"Nothing is ever created that does not already exist. Creation, in the poetic sense as in chemistry,
it is transformation.
The work is not so much an act of creativity, but of transformation.”
Vinicio Capossela

Welcome and welcome back to my blog!
In this second article we embark on the journey into DT, which means nothing other than Digital Transformation. The focus is, as always, on the world of art and artists.
The artist's digital transformation is identified in a path that has a well-defined starting point, represented by the awareness of oneself in relation to the contemporary, dynamic and innovative surrounding environment in which the artist finds himself, with the need to communicate and position oneself in this world with dimensionality no longer represented by the perception of the senses and by the three dimensions determined by physics (height, width, depth), but which perhaps even goes beyond Minkowski's four-dimensionality1. A bit abstract as a concept?
Look at the image above!
That shape is you and that myriad of multidimensional, chaotic and multiform connections is the web.
Suppose you remove all the colors from the image so that only the silhouette with its tool remains.
The silhouette tells of sacrifices, hours of study, creativity, improvement, crosses and delights of being an artist just like all of us and brings the fruit of one's work to theatres, churches, museums, festivals and to audiences around the world of one hundred, ten thousand or one hundred thousand people.
How many people will he physically be able to meet?
How large will his audience be and how many places will he be able to travel to make his art known or bring his message?
Wouldn't it be easier if his work reached more people, all over the world without having to be physically present all the time?
What anxiety and what effort, right?
But there's no need to despair!
It's about the initial image, the colors are there and are within everyone's reach.
And I also have some fantastic news for you.
Well yes, your solidly defined and consistently updated digital Presence creates connections and communicates with your audience for you continuously, while you are doing something completely different. Why?

The reason is very simple. Through web 2.02, geographical and temporal limits are broken down not only in the mind and imagination, but in reality, allowing us to reach the other side of the world in a fraction of a second and therefore communicate, interact, make known, influence, inspire and be influenced and inspired ourselves in ways that were impossible to even think about before.
Think of the very long journeys that artists made in the past to get to know and meet different more or less distant cultures, to relate and converse with the excellences of their artistic specialty, attend their performances and learn directly from them.
For example, Mozart's trips to Italy3 are well-known and significant, to Florence where he performed, to Rome where he listened to a famous composition by Allegri, the Miserere and transcribed it from memory, demonstrating his exceptional talent, to Naples where he learned a lot about the opera (a fairly innovative musical and theatrical form, born in Florence with the performance of Jacopo Peri's Euridice in the Sala delle Muse of Palazzo Tornabuoni on 6 October 1600) by the living composers of the time and being influenced enormously by them, Mozart then became one of the most important and brilliant composers for opera of all time.
Also historic is the journey made by Johann Sebastian Bach4, of almost three hundred kilometers on foot, to go and listen to Dietrich Buxtehude who was the greatest living composer and organist of his time.

Vivaldi also traveled a lot during his life and his last trip to Vienna became fatal for him.
The journey, as risky as it is indispensable for personal growth and for the knowledge of other uses, customs, cultures and practices, still represents an important and indispensable educational and experiential path for man, not only for today's artist; live exhibition, exhibition and performance on tours are fundamental offline activities for art of expression and connection with the audience to which one's art is aimed.
The artist today has at his disposal a means through which to get to know and come into contact with an extremely greater number of people, realities, cultures even just by reducing the travel times from one part of the world to another and the energy spent to do so, the web 2.0 and its tools.
In the next article we will define even better what this DT is and how it materializes.
Thank you for reading this far, leave a heart if you liked the article and write to me here, by email or on social media Instagram\Facebook\TikTok\LinkedIn if you have questions on the topic of digital transformation that you would like to learn more about.
1 In physics, spacetime refers to the four-dimensional structure of the universe.
Introduced by Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, it is composed of four dimensions: the three of space (length, width and depth) and time, and represents the "stage" on which physical phenomena take place. 2 Term, which appeared in 2005 and generically indicates the second phase of development and diffusion of the Internet
3 M. Solomon, Mozart, Milano, Mondadori, 2006;
L. Chimirri, P. Gibbin, M. Migliorini (a cura di), Mozart a Firenze... qui si dovrebbe vivere e morire. Catalogo della mostra (Firenze, 22 settembre-21 ottobre 2006), Firenze, Vallecchi, 2006
4 A. Basso JOHAN SEBASTIAN BACH Manuale di navigazione, Torino, Aragno, 2015