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In this third article we define DT and talk about the path that the Artist takes in his own digitalization. The focus is, as always, on the world of art and artists.
“Digital Transformation (DT) is the integration of digital technologies in all areas of the business, mainly to change the way in which the company (or the professional) operates and delivers value to the customer”
A. Pascarella1

Digital transformation, as previously mentioned, must also be understood as the set of technological and cultural, social, organizational and managerial, but also creative changes in accordance with and related to the application of digital technology in human society.
Digital transformation therefore appears to be integrated not only in business areas, but is absolutely significant in the cultural, intellectual, relational and experiential areas of the human being.
The ethics of digital transformation is reflected in the values of authenticity, uniqueness, transparency, sharing and inclusion of the human race.
From being a user, the user must become the core of the digital transformation of himself, through self-search with the primary objective of sharing value for the world. The artist undertakes a real mission in his own digitalization.
The Artist's journey in digitalisation

Why should an artist undertake their own digital transformation?
Not doing so would be equivalent to becoming invisible in an increasingly connected world.
An artist who does not have his own website is not even taken into consideration in many countries outside of Italy to participate in festivals, exhibitions or competitions.
The artist who therefore understands that he finds himself in a world, that of web 2.0, full of possibilities, but also dispersive and not automatically a mirror of that real, "offline" world, where the artist already operates and is established or in any case recognized as belonging to its niche, another fundamental question then arises:
In what way is it appropriate to bring identity, image, essence and activity into digital?
Brand identity is the answer.

Self-awareness takes on meaning and manifests itself digitally in the form of Brand Identity. It is not a question of objectifying art and the artist, but rather giving the representation that arises from the profound need for self-determination.
The identity of the Brand is what represents its uniqueness, its peculiar characteristics, its genius, its usefulness and many other information which are summarized and transmitted to those who use it through tools such as colours, logos, graphics, fonts, tone of voice, images, video.
The moment these characteristics take shape, we define what we need to communicate through the web, who we are addressing and therefore also how we should do it.
The Strategy takes shape, resulting from the answers given to a new series of questions.

Does our target audience have a specific age range? Do you have a particular lifestyle? Do you have a defined level of education? Do you use the web with which technological tools? Do you prefer certain channels? Who are our Stakeholders?
Answering these questions will allow us to reach people interested in us, get our content across, bring our message, our art, ourselves.
Once your digital identity, objectives and strategy have been defined, the channels are chosen to convey content and to build your digital presence.
Some characteristics are essential to have a good digital presence.
It must be accurate, optimized for all viewing modes, safe in navigation, compliant with regulations and netiquette, complete with information and intuitive for those who use it, integrated with the channels we have chosen to use such as social networks or platforms, but also recognizable as of quality and value from the software that controls the web and its searches, first and foremost Google's algorithms.
The moment the Presence is complete, its lifetime value will begin, it will have to be nourished, readjusted just as we ourselves adapt to life's changes, it will have to be updated and evolve with the web itself that hosts it to affirm its authority.
On the web (almost) nothing is erased, just as Lavoiser claimed, "nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed"2.
The web represents an evolution for the human being and a projection of it onto a new level, as abstract as it is real.
In the next article we will talk about the correlation between marketing and art, curiosity chapter!
Thank you for reading this far, leave a heart if you liked the article and write to me here, by email or on social media Instagram\Facebook\TikTok\LinkedIn if you have questions on the topic of digital transformation that you would like to learn more about.
1 This definition brings together and summarizes the definitions of DT and Digitization given by BMWi (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, 2015), Bowersox et al. (2005), Westerman et al. (2011), Mazzone (2014), PwC (2013) e Baueé and Schaible (2015)
2 That of the conservation of mass (Lavoiser's fundamental postulate from the end of the 8th century) is a physical law of classical mechanics, however denied by quantum mechanics, but accepted in chemistry.