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Your Digitization Step by step - Brand authority

Writer's picture: Laura AndreiniLaura Andreini

Welcome and welcome back to my website!

In this new article we talk about brand authority and the use of social networks. The focus is, as always, on the world of art and artists.

Brand authority

Brand Identity

The authority of the Brand, as a professional figure within its sector, is created, transformed and nourished.

Brand authority is something that is established and then must be consolidated and strengthened to be maintained.

This strengthening takes place on the web primarily through the constant updating of the site and social channels through the creation of increasingly valuable content. Another very useful tool is the creation of technical articles on one's own or within sectoral blogs, but also the collaborations with other artists can be a powerful vehicle for strengthening your reputation on the web, or highlighting the reviews that users or sector specialists write can be a very valid means, as can backlinks from other sites in the same or similar sector or newspaper articles in which we are mentioned and in this regard it is of great help to activate Google Alerts1.

Google Alert Example

Through digital tools such as websites, social networks, platforms, forums, blogs, videos, photos... you can tell a story, or even more than one.

Stories have always fascinated people.

We therefore technically speak of Storytelling, that is, a story that involves its audience of interest through episodes, related content, events linked together by a common thread and conveyed through social networks, the website and/or blogs.

Storytelling must have a beginning, a middle, a message and a conclusion and can be heroic, reflective, motivational...

To understand which character is closest to your communicative needs, you can take inspiration from Jungian archetypes2 and use six different narrative styles: heroic, tragic, romantic, incorporeal, ironic/comic, didactic.


incorporeal by Marina Comparato, Mezzosoprano @comparina

heroic by Federico Maria Sardelli, Orchestra Conductor, Painter, Writer @federicomariasardelli

ironic and didactic by Salvatore Quaranta, Firt Violin at Maggio Musicale Fiorentino @40salviolin

incorporeal by Naria Nechaeva, Violinist @daria.violino

romantic by Chiara Milini, Soprano @chiara.milini.soprano

heroic by Giulia Bolcato, Soprano @giuliabolca

heroic by Fernando Cisneros, Baritone @fernandocisnerosbaritone

There are therefore various forms and tools to nourish your authority on the web, if managing them all can be wasteful it is worth making a careful assessment of time and resources to choose them and possibly alternate them.

An extremely positive side of the web is that it is continually enriched by spontaneous contributions from users therefore, once a network of contacts and followers has been started and built, they themselves will often be the Brand's stakeholders who, by creating or sharing content, will generate true and own branding and value in terms of reputation and authority which translated means: word of mouth, increase in reputation, knowledge of new audiences, recognition of value and authority in the reference niche.

Authenticity concept

Artists in the digital world

On the web the artist should, as already mentioned, bring his own identity in an ethical, transparent, coherent and realistic way. The web represents an opportunity for the artist to faithfully make it an extension of himself.

Addressing issues related to Brand identity and Brand authority such as Storytelling, content creation, tone of voice management, one can mistakenly think that identity must be constructed in the sense that one must therefore convey an image of oneself and one's artificial artistic activity , improved and that ad hoc stories must be created.

Absolutely not!

This would distance us quite a bit from the ethical concept of authenticity, creating a substantial gap between what we are and what we show ourselves to be, a score to be settled that time would sooner or later present to us. A mistake that our public would not easily forgive us.

We should instead think of the web and its tools as an extension of ourselves, similar to long arms that allow us to embrace and communicate who we are to the world.

Obviously, the approach of a company operating in the artistic world will be different.

In this case, always in the truth of the content conveyed, the strategy will involve a real construction of images, stories and stories that can make the target audience perceive and understand the message better.

In conclusion, although art can sometimes be defined as a lie3 and "the connection between art and truth, obvious in the ancient world, gradually weakened until it was completely lost"4, in the concept of Brand Identity, identity is not created, but rather is determined by defining its contours and peculiarities. Identity is unique, uniqueness is one of the strengths of an artist and uniqueness requires authenticity to fully express itself.

In the next article we will delve deeper into the topic of the use and communication potential of social networks.

How far along are you in your digitization?

Thank you for reading this far, leave a heart if you liked the article and write to me here, by email or on social media Instagram\Facebook\TikTok\LinkedIn if you have any questions on the topic of digital transformation that you would like to explore further.


1 Google Alerts is a service that allows you to monitor one or more keywords (for example your first and last name). This way you will receive an email alert every time the keywords are mentioned on the web. This allows you to always be updated on press releases, articles or mentions relating to your keywords or which concern you directly.

2 Archetypes are used in marketing to communicate the value of a brand. The technique is called Archetypal Branding and is based on the 12 Jungian archetypes which identify the 12 attitudes resulting from man's primordial needs. This theory was made official and known in 2001 by Margaret Mark and Carol Pearson with the book "The Hero and the Outlaw".

Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, anthropologist and philosopher - one of the main intellectual figures of psychological, psychoanalytic and philosophical thought - defines twelve archetypes: the wise man, the innocent, the explorer, the sovereign, the creator, the angel guardian, the wizard, the hero, the rebel, the lover, the jester and the orphan.

3“Art is not truth. Art is a lie that allows us to reach the truth, at least the truth that we are able to understand.” Pablo Picasso

4 P. Montani, Art and truth from antiquity to contemporary philosophy - An introduction to aesthetics, Laterza Editori, 2015



Laura Andreini
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